Monday, August 21, 2006

Why John Mark Karr Matters

Ramsey this, Ramsey that. All over the cable news, and now youre seeing the name here. Hold off on being pissed just a second though, I have a brief point to raise.  

There, now that we got that out of the way:

Whether John Karr killed her or not, we'll probably find out soon. But theres a bigger story here, if you take a look at Karr's Resume. Take a look at that "World Traveled" section at the bottom:


>London, Paris, Amsterdam, Zurich, Milan, Bologna, Stuttgart, Munich, Sydney Australia, Taipei,

Singapore, Seoul Korea, Osaka Japan, Istanbul, Reunion Island off the coast of Madagascar, Atlanta, Dallas, Los

Angeles, San Francisco, and a host of other cities in the United States

Run a google search of any one of those Cities/Countries and the word "Sex Ring". The results are a reminder of the sad state of affairs our world is really in.

More recently:

Nine charged in international sex-trafficking ring across U.S-Canadian border:

Nine people have been arrested following a two-year investigation into an international sex-trafficking ring that involved smuggling Asian women into this country in shipping containers, federal and local authorities said.

The U.S. attorney's office in Seattle said the "highly organized national network prostitution ring" illegally brought women here from China, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan and Laos.

Some of the women were brought into the United States by crossing the Canadian border, investigators said.

The Bush Administrations failure to inspect incoming cargo and protect the borders, lets a lot more than terrorists or dirty bombs through.

The Bush Administrations pandering to lobbyists/campaign donors for countries with well tied establishments to child-sex rings, reeks of corruption.

Every other day theres a new GOP operative being busted on child porn charges, whether it be videos and magazines, propositioning children on the internet, or actual indecency with a child.

In November we need to hold these people accountable at the voting booth, and then the courts.


Because of some confusion, I have this to say. This is not a diary about the Ramseys. The Ramsey case is only to highlight the child-sex-rings that are operating in our country. There are PEOPLE being shipped by the dozens into the United States INSIDE OF SHIPPING CONTAINERS! We are pouring our gatorade out at the airports, but Women and Children are being shipped in?! If they can get in, then Al Qaeda, or whatever other terrorist organization can get in, or get something in. George Bush and the Republican Party are weak on national security.


Blogger Travis LeMaster said...

As soon as I heard 'Bangkok', I thought to my self, 'of course. Nothing good comes out of there."

Whether or not John Mark Karr is guilty or innocent, you are correct in highlighting the fact that he is a prime example of the depraved sex industry that the media doesn't want you to hear about.

3:05 AM  

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